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Showing posts from February, 2015

Iron Skillet Frittata

Skillet Frittata   Do you have a favorite dish you really enjoy from a restaurant but don’t get to enjoy often?  There have been numerous times I began thinking about a specific dish that would “hit the spot” but because of distance or simply because my budget was exhausted for dining out, I do without.  Many times, this inspires me to create my own version and often these recipes end up a family and dinner party favorite. Recently, I’ve wanted to use my cast iron skillet to try a few recipes.  The effect you get from using a cast iron skillet is different than if you’re cooking or baking in a stainless or glass pan.  In particular I enjoy the almost “grilled” effect, a bit more crisp and lots more flavor.  I was reminded of my favorite frittata from a café in Ohio.  It’s an entrée I almost always order when brunching with friends and it never leaves me disappointed.  I can taste it now - crispy crust, fresh herbs, cheese, farm fresh eg...

The Unexpected Ingredient in Everyday Cooking

Evolve ||  Process  ||  Time  ||  Mistakes  ||  Lessons Learned  ||  Risk  ||  Creativity  These words are in my thoughts as I think about my journey in the kitchen since I was a wee one.  My mother and grandmothers both taught me so much about the ways of cooking and usually were not afraid to tell me their thoughts on the proper way to prepare a dish.  In my younger years, I followed a precise recipe or verbal cooking directions from my mother.  In my early married years, I often called my mom to ask "How did you make that?"  As you get more experience under your belt, your confidence rises and you begin experimenting outside the realms of the way it's always been done.  Call me a rebel, but there's something freeing about not following a rule or recipe or expectation just because that's what you should do.  We are, after-all, created uniquely with not one of us being the same. So it would make...